Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio Wants to Amend the Constitution to Send Power from Washington Back to the States. Find Out Why.
December 30, 2015
Yesterday in Iowa, Marco announced support for a Convention of States, to put new constitutional limits on the reach of the federal government and reduce power in Washington.
The Convention of States is a less well-known way to amend the Constitution.
Marco supports establishing a Convention of the States with the sole purpose of passing amendments to limit the power of the federal government: like implementing term limits, requiring a balanced budget, and sending power out of Washington, back to the states.
The sheer scale of the overreach of the federal government demands a solution that's big enough for the problem.
The Des Moines Register picked up on Marco's plan:
"It is something we feel very positive about. I think it is the only way that you are ever going to get term limits, and the only way that you are ever going to get a balanced budget amendment," Rubio added.
Asked if he had concerns about opening up the Constitution to a convention, Rubio remarked, "I think you would have to limit the convention, and that is what they are proposing: a very limited convention on specific delineated issues that they would talk about — like term limits and a balanced budget amendment."
Author and radio host Mark Levin highlighted the effort:
Rubio endorses Convention of States! Will the other GOP contenders support it as well? https://t.co/lQBnkPyBOU
— Mark R. Levin (@marklevinshow) December 30, 2015
Conservative Senator Tom Coburn also took notice:
Former GOP Oklahoma Sen. Tom Coburn, a supporter of the Convention of States Project, praised Rubio for his comments.
"Marco Rubio knows that the answers to American's lack of confidence in Washington can only be fixed through an Article V Convention of States, restoring power to the states and the people by limiting the scope and power in Washington; placing term limits on politicians, forcing honest accounting and balanced budgets," Coburn said. "He also knows that Washington will not fix itself."
On the campaign trail, Marco's going to keep talking up the Convention of the States, and other reforms to limit the size of the federal government and return power to the states and the people.
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Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marco Rubio Wants to Amend the Constitution to Send Power from Washington Back to the States. Find Out Why. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/313581