Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marcomentum: Iowa Agriculture Leaders Pledge Support to Marco Rubio
January 9, 2015
On Friday, Marco's campaign released a growing group of Iowa agriculture leaders supporting Marco's vision for a New American Century.
Iowa state senator Dan Zumbach had this to say:
Marco Rubio is the next generation leader America needs in the White House. As president, Marco Rubio will help Iowa farmers by rolling back job-killing EPA overreach. He knows outdated Washington red tape harms our economy and has a plan to empower farmers, not unelected bureaucrats.
Gage Kent, Chairman and CEO, Kent Corporation said Marco knows agriculture issues well:
I support Marco Rubio for president because he has a deep understanding of the issues facing agriculture in the 21st century and how Washington's burdensome regulations impact Iowa agriculture. Marco Rubio's pro-growth, pro-family tax reform allows Iowans to invest and grow their businesses, not turn them over to the government.
Grant Kimberly, of the Iowa Biodiesel Board, said this about Marco:
As president, Marco Rubio will be a consistent defender of Iowa farmers and agriculture. Unlike other candidates, Marco Rubio will not change his position based on what audience he is talking to, what state he is in, or which way the polling is swinging. It is important to have a principled, conservative president who supports farming and that's why I am for Marco Rubio.
Here's Marco's whole team:
Kirk Beaubien, Hardin County
Zach Boss, Buchanan County
Elizabeth Burns-Thompson, Polk County
Jim Christensen, Clay County
Trey Forsyth, Floyd County
Ray Gaesser, Chairman of the American Soybean Association, Adams County
Jim Greif, Linn County
Jacob Handsaker, Hardin County
Dakota Hoben, Story County
Greg Hosch, Jones County
Ben Isaacson, Jones County
Dustin Johnson, Clinton County
Nathan Katzer, Warren County
Gage Kent, Chairman and CEO, Kent Corporation, Muscatine County
Grant Kimberley, Iowa Biodiesel Board, Polk County
Andrew Lauver, Calhoun County
Kirk Leeds, CEO Iowa Soybean Association, Boone County
Brent Lindgren, Greene County
Jerry Mohr, Chairman of Iowa Corn Growers Association, Scott County
Jason Russell, Linn County
Eric Schlutz, Louisa County
Senator Tom Shipley, Senator and Iowa Cattleman's Association, Former Director of Policy Management, Adams County
Jake Thomsen, Johnson County
State Senator Dan Zumbach, Delaware County
Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - Marcomentum: Iowa Agriculture Leaders Pledge Support to Marco Rubio Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project