Rubio Campaign Press Release - New England Newspaper: Marco Is a 'Solid Conservative Who Offers Real Solutions to the Nation's Pressing Problems'
The Eagle-Tribune, a Massachusetts paper that covers Southern New Hampshire, has endorsed Marco.
https://t.co/Rp6gn9aFxi — The Eagle-Tribune endorses Rubio in New Hampshire
— EagleTrib (@EagleTrib) January 31, 2016
Here's the line you need to remember:
Rubio . . . is a solid conservative who offers real solutions to the nation's pressing problems.
On the issues, they praised Marco for his plans to rebuild our military and stand up to Iran:
Rubio believes in a strong national defense because he recognizes that a powerful America is less vulnerable to attack than a weak nation. He would begin to rebuild and modernize the military. He would restore economic sanctions against Iran until that nation gives up its nuclear ambitions.
Here's how they sum their endorsement up:
Strong conservative values, trustworthiness and intelligence — without the shouting. That's Marco Rubio, the right choice for New Hampshire and, ultimately, the nation.
We couldn't agree more — Marco's the right choice for New Hampshire voters on February 9th!
Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - New England Newspaper: Marco Is a 'Solid Conservative Who Offers Real Solutions to the Nation's Pressing Problems' Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/325834