Rubio Campaign Press Release - These County Leaders in Iowa are Backing Marco Rubio for President
January 5, 2016
Today, the Marco Rubio for President campaign announced over two dozen county leaders in Northwest Iowa committed to sharing Marco's vision for a New American Century.
For months, Rubio's campaign has had leaders in all of Iowa's 99 counties. The county leaders in Northwest Iowa are focused on turning out caucus-goers in 19 counties important to Marco's success.
As Iowans prepare to caucus in less than a month from now, Marco's momentum continues to grow throughout the state as more and more caucus-goers hear his message. This announcement comes as Marco is crossing the Hawkeye state today meeting with caucus-goers.
"I'm proud to support Marco Rubio because he is a next generation leader who will move power away from Washington and back to the people," said Representative John Wills, one of the newly announced county leaders for Marco. "I see in Marco Rubio the same ability President Reagan had to speak in a positive, optimistic way that will draw more Americans to the conservative cause. His support in Northwest Iowa is growing stronger daily and I look forward to helping him win on February 1 and in the general election against Hillary Clinton."
"Marco Rubio is the leader we need to take on the issues of the 21st Century and I'm honored to help lead his efforts here in Northwest Iowa," said Senator Rick Bertrand, another county leader. "Marco is a conservative who believes in strong national defense and has proven judgment when it comes to the challenges facing our nation around the globe."
"As the son of a bartender and a maid, Marco Rubio understands the economic obstacles American families face every day," said Representative Brian Best, a county leader. "He knows the old ways of doing things in Washington have failed and his plan to create new jobs and opportunities is what Iowans are looking for in our next president."
Representative Megan Jones concluded, "I am proud to support Marco Rubio because he cares about the families of our nation- from my recently born son to my Granny- and those of us in between. He cares because he's one of us and his family is like our family. He's experiencing many of the same problems—and he knows how to solve them."
Marco's Northwest Iowa County Leadership:
Denny Weber, Buena Vista
Carl Legore, Calhoun
Theresa Hildreth, Calhoun
Mayor Adam Schweers, Carroll
Representative Brian Best, Carroll
Adam Pitts, Cherokee
Rosamae Osterberg, Clay
Representative Megan Jones, Clay
Rosella Lally, Crawford
Lisa Wagner, Dickinson
Representative John Wills, Dickinson
Ruth Pfeil, Emmet
Austin Graff, Ida
Carol Miller, Lyon
Laura Mulder, Lyon
Philip Mulder, Lyon
Councilman Scott Schneidermann, Lyon
Lyle Bramley, Monona
Cecilia Gerstandt, O'Brien
Joan Schunk, Osceola
Carol Dupic, Palo Alto
Tammy Lange, Plymouth
Elsie Moore, Pocahontas
Caleb Hedeen, Sac
Mayor Kevin Van Otterloo, Sioux
Maria Van't Hul, Sioux
Carl Cleveland, Woodbury
Marla Cleveland, Woodbury
Gabriel Luse, Woodbury
Senator Rick Bertrand, Woodbury
Councilwoman Nicole Cleveland, Woodbury
J.R. Jungers, Woodbury
Stephanie Audino, Woodbury
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Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - These County Leaders in Iowa are Backing Marco Rubio for President Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/314195