Rubio Campaign Press Release - This Congressman Has One Message to Virginia Voters: #NeverTrump
Virginia Rep. Scott Rigell, who is backing Marco, has an urgent message for voters in the Commonwealth today: we have to stop Donald Trump.
In an editorial on the conservative blog Hot Air, Rigell makes a powerful case:
I reject Trump as our nominee based on his judgment, temperament and character, all of which point to a reckless, embarrassing and ultimately dangerous presidency. Just this past Sunday, Trump's poor judgment was on display. He failed not once, not twice, but three times to denounce the KKK and its onetime leader, the infamous racist, David Duke. Looking a bit confused when asked about the KKK and Duke, Trump pleaded ignorance. What void must exist in the heart of a person who when asked about the KKK has to struggle for even a moment as to what his position is? . . .
Through these and other bizarre statements we have come to know Trump. We have seen how he draws from a putrid well in making his case for his candidacy. He rarely debates but chooses instead to belittle. On the trail he caricatured the physical challenges that a respected reporter has to overcome every day of his life. The terms he used in reference to a female news anchor cannot be printed here, nor are they uttered in my home.
Virginians join Republicans in 10 other states today who have an opportunity to stand against the politics of fear and division and embrace unbridled optimism for a strong America in the 21st Century.
Rep. Rigell is right: #NeverTrump.
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Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - This Congressman Has One Message to Virginia Voters: #NeverTrump Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/326194