Rubio Campaign Press Release - You MUST Watch This Video of How Marco Rubio Explains His Faith to an Atheist
January 20, 2016
A young atheist in Iowa asked Marco recently why he was talking so often about his faith.
As conservatives across the country shared Marco's answer, it's become a sensation.
The headline from PJMedia says it all:
Erick Erickson noted that it would have been easy for Marco to argue with the questioner . . . but he didn't.
Instead, Rubio did something remarkable and did it in a very civil way. He shared the gospel and the impact it has had in Marco's own life. It was calm, civil, respectful, and powerful.
David French at National Review called it a truly profound moment in politics:
Rubio's presentation of his beliefs — beliefs that I share — was winsome, compassionate, and — above all — true. American democracy, featuring so many direct, personal encounters between voters and candidates, can yield its profound moments. This was one.
One caucus goer said it was the best answer she'd ever heard about faith:
"I think it's the first time I ever heard a candidate present his faith as deeply and extensively as he did," said the 64-year-old [Deb Berstler ], noting Rubio answered the atheist's question respectfully. "That's going to set him apart."
Non-believers were impressed, too:
I'm not religious, but Marco Rubio gave the greatest answer to an Atheist voter that I've seen from a politician. https://t.co/9O3jhuOUqd
— Lee Doren (@LDoren) January 20, 2016
Marco believes in religious liberty — and that even extends to the right to believe nothing at all. As for Marco himself? He will continue sharing his faith.
Marco Rubio, Rubio Campaign Press Release - You MUST Watch This Video of How Marco Rubio Explains His Faith to an Atheist Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/326024