Bernie Sanders

Sanders Campaign Press Release - Former Iowa Democratic Party Chair Derek Eadon Endorses Bernie Sanders

January 10, 2020

Veteran Party Leader Became Ardent Medicare For All Advocate After Personal Health Care Battles

DES MOINES -- Sen. Bernie Sanders' presidential campaign in Iowa on Friday announced former Iowa Democratic Party Chairman Derek Eadon has endorsed Sen. Bernie Sanders and will serve as a state surrogate.

"Medicare for All is a moral and financial imperative for this state and this country," Eadon said. "This idea that Democrats can't aggressively advocate for Medicare for All and win elections at the same time is bogus. Senator Sanders' unwavering support for Medicare for All is inspiring both party leaders and new activists across the country. We need ambitious ideas and a grassroots movement of everyday people to make government work for us again, and only Bernie Sanders is building the kind of energy and enthusiasm it will take to beat Donald Trump."

Eadon was elected state party chairman at the start of 2017 but had to step down after being diagnosed with a debilitating nerve disease. Since that life-changing event, Eadon has become an ardent proponent of Medicare for All.

"Derek Eadon symbolizes what's best about Iowans: Strength, conviction, and courage," Bernie 2020 Iowa State Director Misty Rebik said. "When his health got in the way of his role with the state party, he went right back out knocking doors for Democrats as soon as he finished treatment. His passionate advocacy for Medicare for All, and now his endorsement of Sen. Sanders, shows how issues like universal health care, the Green New Deal, and College for All transcend party ideology."

Eadon worked his way up through the IDP ranks for years before winning the 2017 chairman's election. He was one of the first people hired by President Barack Obama's Iowa operation in 2007 and served as General Election Director during the 2012 campaign. In 2014, he ran midwest organizing for Ready for Hillary and served as an advisor to Clinton's Iowa campaign during the general election in 2016. He was previously National Deputy Campaign Manager for Julián Castro's 2020 campaign.

Eadon will attend Sanders' campaign events in Iowa this weekend.

Bernie Sanders, Sanders Campaign Press Release - Former Iowa Democratic Party Chair Derek Eadon Endorses Bernie Sanders Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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