Bernie Sanders

Sanders Campaign Press Release - Sanders Campaign Announces Farmer, Nurse, and Activist Barb Kalbach as Iowa Campaign Co-Chair

December 30, 2019

DES MOINES – Sen. Bernie Sanders' campaign on Monday named former Iowa Citizens for Community Improvement (CCI) president, farmer and retired nurse Barb Kalbach as an Iowa campaign co-chair. Kalbach spoke at tonight's town hall in Winterset in Madison County, Iowa.

"I have seen up close how Sen. Sanders listens and responds to the challenges facing Iowa and the rest of the country," Kalbach said. "Bernie knows that one person alone cannot accomplish all that needs to be done. He is the only candidate who recognizes that he needs all of us working together in a grassroots movement. I look forward to helping lend a hand in this effort."

"Barb's lifetime of activism on the front lines of Iowa's progressive movement makes her the perfect person to bring our campaign's message to rural Iowans," Bernie 2020 Iowa State Director Misty Rebik said. "As a family farmer and a nurse, Barb knows first-hand what's at stake and she will help us engage with Iowans who have felt left out of our political process to drive us to victory on February 3rd."

Kalbach is a fourth-generation family farmer from Adair County. On behalf of Iowa CCI, Kalbach organized a bus tour of factory farms in Iowa with Sen. Sanders and rural advocates earlier this year. Kalbach also worked in Madison County Hospital's nursing units for years and has been a longtime advocate for universal health care in Iowa.

Bernie Sanders, Sanders Campaign Press Release - Sanders Campaign Announces Farmer, Nurse, and Activist Barb Kalbach as Iowa Campaign Co-Chair Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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