Verona, PA - In today's Louisiana Republican Presidential Primary, Republican voters overwhelmingly chose Rick Santorum to be the Republican nominee for President of the United States.
Hogan Gidley, National Communications Director, said: "There is no other way to interpret tonight's results but as vindication for Rick Santorum's consistent, conservative message of strengthening our nation based on our founding values. Louisiana voters overwhelmingly rejected Mitt Romney's push to press the reset button, because they know that we need a clear contrast to President Obama's disastrous policies. The entire Santorum campaign, and the conservative movement, is excited by tonight's results, that stand in the face of the media's and the establishment's declaration that we must fall in line with a moderate from Massachusetts. We thank the voters of Louisiana and look forward to bringing our campaign's message of returning to our founding principles to the people."
Rick Santorum, Santorum Campaign Press Release - Louisiana Shakes Up The Republican Race Once Again Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project