Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Takes On Perry For Putting Government Rights Over Parents' Rights
Santorum Shows He is the Only Full Spectrum Conservative to Take on Obama With Another Strong Debate Performance
Simi Valley, CA - Tonight in California, former Senator and current Republican Presidential Candidate Rick Santorum (R-PA) proved he's the one conservative who can win the nomination for President and defeat Barack Obama.
Hogan Gidley, National Communications Director said, "Some of these candidates claim conservatism but have a track record of instituting government takeovers of our lives. Senator Santorum showed he is not afraid to engage other Republicans directly when they are wrong on the major issues shaping this country like government mandates, national security and entitlement reform."
Santorum said:
"You (Perry) want to talk about state's rights, how about parent's rights? I'm offended."
"Parental rights trump states' rights."
"Instead of people being 'able to opt out' how about allowing people opt in?"
Gidley said, "Rick Santorum was the only candidate on stage who can highlight a record of conservative results. Three years ago, we tried a candidate who was long on showmanship and short on leadership. It's time to listen to the only candidate who has a record on social moral and cultural issues, entitlement reform and national security - not to mention the only one on that stage who's defeated Democrat incumbents."
Santorum Shows He is the Only Full Spectrum Conservative to Take on Obama With Another Strong Debate Performance
Santorum also said:
"Cut the tax on manufacturers who manufacture in America from 35% to 0%."
"Allow repatriation at a rate of 5% instead of the current 35% and that will infuse 1.2 trillion dollars into our economy."
"When I was in the Senate, we transformed the Welfare reform system not to save money but to save people's lives."
"We aren't going to fall for the same empty promises in we did in the 80's saying if you do this, we'll do this. No more. We are going to secure the border first this time, period.
"Many on this stage, are for isolationism but I believe that's a wrong path for this country. We can be the force for good around the world."
Rick Santorum, Santorum Campaign Press Release - Santorum Takes On Perry For Putting Government Rights Over Parents' Rights Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/297781