Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott: If You Support Terrorism, There Must Be Consequences

October 25, 2023

GREENVILLE, SC  Tim Scott joined Your World with Neil Cavuto on Fox News to condemn the rise of anti-Semitic demonstrations on college campuses. Tim also rejected President Biden's unfocused foreign aid package and advocated for standalone legislation that will send a clear message of support to Israel.


Neil Cavuto: I was thinking of these protests and what you had said a few days ago calling on the United States to revoke visas that foreign students received to be in this country. And that if they have them just revoke them, if they're part of these anti-Israeli protests. Do you still stand by that?

Sen Scott: Well, certainly. Now, let me clarify what I said, because what I said was that when we have students on campuses that are actually encouraging Jewish genocide, who are advocating for murder and supporting terrorism, those students should be expelled from the campus. And those folks who are on a visa should be deported from our country. I stand by that without any question. I wasn't being hyperbolic then. I'm not being hyperbolic now. Anytime you actually encourage for the genocide, the elimination of an entire race of people, anytime you support terrorism and encourage murder, there should be consequences. There should be consequences for those students, and there should be consequences for those universities. Back in 2016, Neil, I worked on legislation to eliminate the anti-Semitism that we see on college campuses. Things have gotten worse, not better. Jewish students do not feel safe on their own campuses. That is a problem that we need to focus on, and my legislation helps us get there. And as our president, I would simply sign the legislation that forces these universities and colleges to take back control of their college campuses.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott: If You Support Terrorism, There Must Be Consequences Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367641

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