Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott Reflects On 9/11 On FOX News

September 11, 2023

"The most important and powerful image are the first responders running into danger, putting their lives at risk – American exceptionalism at its best." – Tim Scott

CHARLESTON, SC –  Today, Tim Scott joined FOX News' America Reports to remember the nearly 3,000 lives that were lost and the heroism from first responders and Americans who ran into the face of danger on 9/11.


John Roberts: Let me get you to react. First of all, to the fact that President Biden will be the first American president since 9/11 to not visit either Ground Zero or Shanksville or the Pentagon to commemorate the day. Instead, he's gonna be at Elmendorf Air Force Base in Alaska, which is a typical refueling stop for Air Force One on its way back from an Asia trip. He couldn't make it back from Hanoi in time. You okay with that? Should he have left earlier to be here? What do you think?

Sen Scott: Here's a day that we should remember as a day of American exceptionalism, 3,000 lives lost, but the most important and powerful image are the first responders running into danger, putting their lives at risk – American exceptionalism at its best. I would've wished the President would've been at the Pentagon talking to and celebrating people willing to lay their lives down for their country. The plane should have left early enough to have been there at the Pentagon talking about American exceptionalism and why America continued to provide opportunities and to be the beacon of light, the city on the hill, but once again, President Biden is missing in action.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Tim Scott Reflects On 9/11 On FOX News Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/367709

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