Portrait of Tim Scott

Scott Campaign Press Release - Video: Tim Scott Will Fight For Border Security

August 08, 2023

"I will use the power of the presidency to stop the cartels in their tracks." – Tim Scott

CHARLESTON, SC – Following his visit to the southern border last week, Tim Scott released a new video pledging to secure the border and save American lives.

Tim's plan to combat the border crisis includes finishing the border wall, deploying military-grade technology at our border and ports of entry to stop illegal drugs and human trafficking, and designating cartels as foreign terrorist organizations. Read Tim's op-ed in The New York Post on his plan to secure the border and end the fentanyl crisis.



South Carolina Senator Tim Scott visited the southern border today.

TIM SCOTT: The devastation is felt throughout the entire country. Because of fentanyl, every county is a border county.

The Biden administration continues to tell the American people, "believe what we say and not what you see with your own eyes."

I will be the president that finishes the wall and takes seriously the opportunity to save tens of thousands of Americans from the drug of fentanyl.

I will use the power of the presidency to stop the cartels in their tracks.

Tim Scott, Scott Campaign Press Release - Video: Tim Scott Will Fight For Border Security Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/364115

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