To the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States:
I transmit to Congress, for their consideration, applications which have been received from the minister resident of Prussia and from the senates of the free and Hanseatic cities of Hamburg and Bremen, the object of which is that the advantages secured by the act of Congress of 20th of April last to the vessels and merchandise of the Netherlands should be extended to those of Prussia, Hamburg, and Bremen. It will appear from these documents that the vessels of the United States and the merchandise laden in them are in the ports of those Governments, respectively, entitled to the same advantages in respect to imposts and duties as those of the native subjects of the countries themselves.
The principle of reciprocity appears to entitle them to the return of the same favor on the part of the United States, and I recommend it to Congress that provision to that effect may be made.
James Monroe, Special Message Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project