Richard Nixon photo

Statement About a Labor Dispute in the Coal Mining Industry

October 08, 1971

THE current strike that has shut down most of the Nation's coal mines hits the State of West Virginia harder than any other State in the Union. West Virginia leads the Nation in the output of bituminous coal. One-third of the Nation's coal miners live and work here. This strike is costing workers in this State a daily payroll loss of $1.5 million, and it is costing the State a daily revenue loss of $300,000. Workers in other affected industries also suffer losses.

This State has a special interest in preserving industrial peace in the coal mines. The parties are now back at the bargaining table in response to the urging of the Secretary of Labor. I urge the negotiators of both sides to work diligently to bring this crippling strike to a speedy end. Labor contracts are being settled daily in other industries--there is no reason why a settlement should not be reached in the coal mining industry. It should be reached by collective bargaining, and it should be reached quickly.

NOTE. The statement was released in connection with the President's visit to West Virginia.

Richard Nixon, Statement About a Labor Dispute in the Coal Mining Industry Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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