Bill Clinton photo

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 2520 - Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1994

June 29, 1993


(House Rules)
(Sponsors: Natcher (D), Kentucky; Yates (D), Illinois)

This Statement of Administration Policy presents the Administration's views on H.R. 2520, the Department of the Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1994, as reported by the House Appropriations Committee. The Administration supports House passage of H.R. 2520 and will work with the Congress to address the concerns described below and in the attachment.

The Administration supports the Committee action that funds many of the President's investment proposals for the Departments of the Interior and Energy, the Forest Service, and the Indian Health Service.

The Administration commends the Committee for its support of the enhanced natural resource protection and environmental infrastructure investment initiative. These funds are critical to furthering the protection and rehabilitation of America's inventory of natural and cultural assets, including our national parks and forests. They are also crucial to formulating an appropriate, comprehensive response to the April 1993 forest conference on the Pacific Northwest.

When considering community stability for those areas affected by the spotted-owl issue, the Administration believes that full funding for investment initiatives affecting the Pacific Northwest is essential. These initiatives include Forest Stewardship, research, construction, maintenance, and funds for the Columbia River Gorge projects in the Forest Service; park operations in the National Park Service; and facilities maintenance in the Bureau of Land Management.

The Committee bill would lower the amount of receipts guaranteed to counties in the Pacific Northwest affected by reduction in timber production due to spotted-owl court injunctions. The Administration strongly supports continuing this guarantee at the current level for FY 1994. This "safety net" would provide affected counties in the Pacific Northwest with sufficient payments to offset lower timber harvest levels that are expected under the Administration's follow-up to the April 1993 forest conference. The Administration would support an amendment that would continue the guarantee at the current level for FY 1994.

The Administration is concerned that the Committee has reduced the President's request for the Department of Energy's Weatherization Assistance program by $25.8 million and has eliminated the State or utility matching-fund requirement. These are an important part of the President's investment initiatives in energy conservation. The Administration urges the Committee to consider revising priorities in the bill to fund the President's request for this program.

The Administration commends the Committee for providing funds for the new National Biological Survey. The new bureau will enable the Department of the Interior to improve the quality of biological research such that better informed decision-making will be available in the management of the nation's Federally managed lands.

The Committee bill would prohibit the establishment of any personnel ceiling for the Indian Health Service (IHS). This would prevent any IHS FTE reductions based on the President's Executive Order to reduce Federal staff. The Administration encourages the House to remove this provision.

Additional Administration concerns with the Committee bill are contained in the attachment.


(House Rules)




The Administration looks forward to working with the Congress later in the process in an effort to address the following concerns.


Department of the Interior

Bureau of Land Management — Land Acquisition. The Administration has requested funding for the Morris K. Udall Foundation to honor the unique service to his country provided by Mr. Udall and to ensure necessary support for the Foundation's objectives. The Committee has provided no funding for the Foundation in FY 1994.

Department of Energy

State Energy Conservation Program. The Committee has reduced the requested increase in ongoing State Energy Conservation Program grants by $10 million and has eliminated new grants for working with local utilities on demand-side management programs by $3.5 million. The Administration believes that these energy conservation grant programs are important, particularly if energy taxes are increased, and urges the Congress to restore the proposed funding for energy conservation.

Gas Turbine Program. The Administration requests that the $5 million reduction in the investment proposal for an advanced Gas Turbine Program be restored.

Fossil R&D. The Administration urges the Congress to eliminate increases in the Fossil R&D program.


Indian Health Service (IHS). The Committee bill would prohibit the implementation of eligibility regulations for the IHS. This provision would interfere with the Executive Branch's ability to manage programs. The Administration encourages the Congress to remove this provision.

Infringements on Executive Authority. There are several provisions in the Committed bill that would mandate Congressional approval prior to Executive Branch execution of aspects of the bill. The Administration will interpret such provisos to require notification only, since any other interpretation would contradict the Supreme Court ruling in INS vs. Chadha.

William J. Clinton, Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 2520 - Department of Interior and Related Agencies Appropriations Bill, FY 1994 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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