Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 2548 - Abraham Lincoln Research and Interpretive Center
(SENT 9/25/92)
(Durbin (D) Illinois)
Abraham Lincoln is revered throughout the world as a symbol of freedom and democracy — he holds a unique position in American history. Consistent with Lincoln's stature, the National Park Service (NPS) already maintains and operates eight interpretive or commemorative sites in his honor in four States and the District of Columbia. The NPS will expend more than $4 million and assign over 120 of its employees in operating these sites during FY 1993.
The Administration, however, opposes enactment of H.R. 2548, which would establish the Abraham Lincoln Interpretive Center. This would duplicate, at substantial additional cost, existing facilities that provide ample means for interpreting the life of President Lincoln. The NPS recently concluded a congressionally- mandated study on the need for a research and interpretive center relating to the life of Abraham Lincoln at a site near the Lincoln Home National Historic Site in Springfield, Illinois. The NPS study concluded that excellent facilities already exist for Lincoln research and interpretation in Springfield, Illinois.
George Bush, Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 2548 - Abraham Lincoln Research and Interpretive Center Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project