George Bush photo

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 3046 - Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform Act and Miscellaneous Pay Act

October 13, 1989


(Kastenmeier (D) Wisconsin and 9 others)

The Administration defers to Congress on Section 2 of H.R. 3046, and has no objection to Sections 3 and 4.

Section 2 would reduce the number of Commissioners on the Copyright Royalty Tribunal, change the salary level for those Commissioners and for the Register of Copyrights, and establish three Associate Registers of Copyrights.

Section 3 would establish the salary level for the Chairman and members of the United States Parole Commission at Executive Level IV and V, respectively. Section 4 would set the salaries for the Deputy and Assistant Commissioners of Patents and Trademarks at Level V.

George Bush, Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 3046 - Copyright Royalty Tribunal Reform Act and Miscellaneous Pay Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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