Ronald Reagan picture

Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 5037 - Refugee Resettlement Extension Act of 1988

August 04, 1988


Received State Dept, concurrence 8/5/88 after position was sent.

(Mazzoli (D) KY and 9 others)

The Administration supports reauthorization of the Department of Health and Human Services' authorities for domestic refugee assistance and will not object to House passage of H.R. 5037, but will work in the Senate to eliminate the following provisions:

—    establishing a new unnecessary and potentially costly emergency fund for domestic assistance for resettlement of refugees;

—    requiring the House and Senate Judiciary Committees rather than "representatives of the President" to initiate consultation on refugee admissions for the coming fiscal year; and

—    extending the authorization for assistance to States and counties for incarceration of certain Cuban nationals, because this should not be a Federal responsibility.

Ronald Reagan, Statement of Administration Policy: H.R. 5037 - Refugee Resettlement Extension Act of 1988 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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