(Kennedy (D) MA and 41 others)
The Administration strongly opposes enactment of S. 110. This bill is inconsistent with the proposal in the FY 1990 budget to change the current title X categorical family planning program to a program of direct grants to States. Failure to enact the Administration's proposal for grants to States would thwart the Administration's efforts to maximize State and local control over sensitive issues surrounding the delivery of family planning services.
S. 110 fails to prevent potential diversion of funds for the primary focus of the program — prevention of unwanted pregnancies and facilitation of wanted pregnancies. In addition, the total authorizations in the bill for the next three FY's are excessive; they exceed the amounts included in the President's budget by $175 million. Finally, the provision of S. 110 that would expand the authority and funding for contraceptive research as well as information and education activities is unnecessary since current authorities are broad enough to encompass such activities.
George Bush, Statement of Administration Policy: S. 110 - Family Planning Amendments of 1989 Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/328082