Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2057 - Establish the Coastal Heritage Trail in New Jersey
(Bradley (D) New Jersey and Lautenberg (D) New Jersey)
The Administration opposes S. 2057. The bill's concept of creating vehicular auto routes as part of a "system" of heritage trails established by the Secretary of the Interior is unwise. The Administration's policy is to place higher priority on adequately funding the operation and maintenance of existing park units than on establishing new units, except in the most extraordinary circumstances. Moreover, there is no need to establish this wholly new park system category affiliated with the National Park Service, given that the Service already has sufficient authority to assist State and local units of government to develop such auto touring routes.
Ronald Reagan, Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2057 - Establish the Coastal Heritage Trail in New Jersey Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project