Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2532 - Freedom For Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act
(SENT 6/23/92)
(Pell (D) RI and Helms (R) NC)
The Administration supports enactment of S. 2532, the Freedom Support Act, which provides broad authorities for assistance to the independent states of the former Soviet Union. The Administration, however, will support efforts to modify provisions of the bill that place objectionable conditions on the U.S. ability to provide assistance to the new states.
Passage of S. 2532 would provide direct benefits to the United States including: enhancing United States security by facilitating the reduction and elimination of nuclear weapons in the new states; creating U.S. jobs by expanding export and investment opportunities; and promoting American values abroad by supporting democratization and market reform. S. 2532 also endorses a quota increase for the International Monetary Fund. This would serve U.S. security and economic interests by supporting stabilization of the economies of the new states and stimulating trade and investment opportunities. Enabling the international financial institutions to play a greater role will help share the burden of assistance to the new independent states.
The Administration strongly opposes any provision which places objectionable conditions on the U.S. ability to provide assistance to the new states. In particular, Section 5(c), placing conditions on assistance to the government of Azerbaijan, is unlikely to help resolve the complicated dispute between the governments of Armenia and Azerbaijan over Nagorno-Karabakh. Section 5(b)(4)(A), dealing with the transfer of missiles or missile technology, is unnecessary in view of existing authorities which would permit the President to impose sanctions in such cases. The Administration would support efforts to modify these provisions of S. 2532.
In addition, the Administration will oppose additional amendments that may be offered to S. 2532 that are not germane to assistance to the new independent states.
George Bush, Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2532 - Freedom For Russia and Emerging Eurasian Democracies and Open Markets Support Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project