Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2877 - Interstate Transportation of Municipal Waste Act
(Coats (R) Indiana)
The Administration opposes enactment of S. 2877. This bill would allow State Governors to prohibit or limit the disposal of out- of-state waste at the request of the affected local government. The bill would also allow a Governor to act unilaterally if the State received more than 1 million tons of out-of-state municipal waste in 1991. The bill's restrictions on interstate transportation of solid waste do not maximize economic efficiency and could increase public health and environmental risks posed by municipal wastes in some communities.
This type of inflexible approach will significantly restrict the nation's ability to manage solid waste sensibly.
The Environmental Protection Agency's national performance standards for municipal waste management ensure that municipal wastes are managed in an environmentally sound manner. The Administration believes that obstacles to siting new facilities can be best addressed through improved State solid waste planning and elimination of hidden subsidies in the prices charged for waste services. Such measures could help reduce unnecessary waste generation, promote cost-effective recycling, and would ensure that those who generate the waste pay the costs that their activities impose on society.
George Bush, Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2877 - Interstate Transportation of Municipal Waste Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project