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Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2880 - Extension of Interstate Transfer Deadline for H-3 Highway in Hawaii and Miscellaneous Amendments

October 02, 1986


(Inouye (D) Hawaii and 1 other)

The Administration opposes S. 2880 because the bill would authorize $130 million for sludge and waste treatment facilities, at Deer Island and Boston Harbor in the State of Massachusetts, above the formula allocation share that the State would receive under the Clean Water Act. Such preferential treatment of special interest projects that do not rank high enough on State priority lists to receive funding through normal grant allotments is inequitable and contrary to the method of fairly distributing Clean Water Act project money by formula.

The Administration has no objection to legislation providing a limited, short-term extension of the Interstate Transfer deadline for the H-3 Highway in Hawaii.

Ronald Reagan, Statement of Administration Policy: S. 2880 - Extension of Interstate Transfer Deadline for H-3 Highway in Hawaii and Miscellaneous Amendments Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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