IT GIVES me great pleasure to announce that I have today granted Federal recognition to Expo '81, a world's fair to be held in San Bernardino County, California. Accordingly, I have directed the Secretary of State to notify the Bureau of International Expositions, which decided at its November 17 meeting in Paris that Expo '81 would be formally registered once it received Federal recognition.
Pursuant to Public Law 91-269, the Department of Commerce has evaluated the plans for the exposition, and I have received Secretary [Elliot L.] Richardson's report recommending that Federal recognition to Expo '81 be granted. This report recognizes that other tasks remain to be accomplished--for example, environmental factors will be further considered upon receipt of public comments on the draft environmental impact statement now being circulated, and additional financial arrangements must still be made, including the planned authorization of a $35 million bond issue by the State of California. I am satisfied, however, that the preparations made and the commitments obtained to date fully justify my decision to grant Federal recognition.
Those who were fortunate enough to visit other recent world's fairs--in Spokane, in San Antonio, in Seattle, or in Montreal know the great economic, social, and cultural benefits which such an undertaking brings to a region as well as to the Nation. The staging of an exposition requires substantial construction activity and produces a wide variety of other employment opportunities. Expo '81 will attract tourists from across the Nation and around the world who will also visit many of the other attractions throughout that beautiful part of the country. This "world's fair," which will be held on the site of the Ontario Motor Speedway on the outskirts of Los Angeles, will celebrate the 200th anniversary of the founding of the city of Los Angeles.
With the support of the American people and the residents of southern California, Expo '81 will be a great success and a cornerstone marking the beginning of America's third century. I look forward to having the opportunity to visit Expo '81.
Gerald R. Ford, Statement Announcing Federal Recognition of "Expo '81" as a World's Fair Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project