Photo of Michael Bloomberg

Statement by Campaign Manager Kevin Sheekey on Mike Bloomberg Qualifying for the Nevada Debate

February 18, 2020

A national poll released today by NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist shows Democratic presidential candidate Mike Bloomberg polling nationally at 19%, meeting the Democratic Party's latest qualification criteria to join the debate this Wednesday, February 19 in Nevada.

Mike Bloomberg 2020 Campaign Manager Kevin Sheekey released the following statement:

"Our campaign is seeing a groundswell of support across the country, and qualifying for the February 19 debate is the latest sign that Mike's plan and ability to defeat Donald Trump is resonating with more and more Americans.

"Mike is looking forward to joining the other Democratic candidates on stage and making the case for why he's the best candidate to defeat Donald Trump and unite the country. The opportunity to discuss his workable and achievable plans for the challenges facing this country is an important part of the campaign process.

"Since Mike launched his campaign 13 weeks ago, he's met with voters in 25 states and 62 cities. Our crowds continue to grow, and our coalition continues to broaden. There's a desire in every corner of this country for a proven leader, for someone who will stand up to bullies and special interests and get things done. That person is Mike Bloomberg, and we look forward to more Americans seeing that on Wednesday night."

Michael Bloomberg, Statement by Campaign Manager Kevin Sheekey on Mike Bloomberg Qualifying for the Nevada Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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