The President today issued the following statement defining the types of projects which shall be within the jurisdictions of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and the Works Progress Administration under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935.
According to this clarification construction projects where the aggregate cost upon completion is estimated to be more than $25,000 shall be within the jurisdiction of the Public Works Administration. The President listed a number of examples of projects of this type.
Projects of any type where the aggregate cost upon completion is estimated to be $25,000 or less and all non-construction projects of a type designed to assure maximum employment principally to clerical, professional and white-collar classes shall be within the jurisdiction of the Works Progress Administration.
All applications involving loans for construction of public works projects shall be submitted to the Public Works Administration ....
Projects for slum clearance and low-rent housing shall be carried on by the Housing Division of the Public Works Administration as heretofore.
The President's statement directed that any application rejected by the Public Works Administration shall be submitted immediately to the Works Progress Administration.
Projects other than those defined as P.W.A. shall be submitted to the Works Progress Administration.
The statement does not govern applications involving projects falling within the jurisdiction of any other Federal agency. These applications will continue to be handled as heretofore.
The statement approved by the President was signed by the Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, the Works Progress Administrator and the Executive Director, National Emergency Council.
STATEMENT. Defining types of applications to be considered by Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and Works Progress Administration.
In order to assure the expeditious and orderly handling of the great number of applications of States, Territories, Possessions, .including subdivisions and agencies thereof, municipalities, the District of Columbia, and public bodies, now being submitted under the Emergency Relief Appropriation Act of 1935, and in order to further the development of a balanced program of sound projects which will take a maximum number of workers off the relief rolls, it is desirable to define what types of projects shall be Within the jurisdiction of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works and what types of projects shall be within the jurisdiction of the Works Progress Administration.
Applications shall be submitted to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works for:
(1) Works Projects: Construction projects (other than repair and maintenance projects, and other projects directed in this statement to be submitted to the Works Progress Administration) where the aggregate cost upon completion is estimated to be more than $25,000.
Examples of such projects are: airport buildings, armories, almshouses, auditoriums, bulkheads, canals, docks, dormitories, schools and university buildings, electric heat, light and power plants and distribution systems, gas plants and distribution systems, jetties, piers, wharves, highways, bridges, tunnels, subways, viaducts, hospitals, dispensaries, sanitariums, markets, warehouses, city and town halls, courthouses, fire and police stations, jails, libraries, sanitary sewer systems, drainage improvements, garbage and rubbish disposal plants, public buildings, sewage disposal plants, storm sewer systems, terminals, water supply and distribution systems, filtration plants, and other similar projects.
(2) Slum Clearance and Low-cost Housing Projects: Projects of a type heretofore carried on by the Housing Division of the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.
Applications shall be submitted to the Works Progress Administration for:
(1) Non-construction Projects: Projects of a type designed to assure maximum employment principally to professional, clerical and white collar classes.
(2) Small Works Projects: Projects of any type where the aggregate cost upon completion is estimated to be $25,000 or less.
(3) Other Works Projects: All other projects, regardless of cost, except those referred to in Part II above.
Examples of such projects are: recreational facilities, parks, playgrounds, small dams, ditches, street repairs, demolition, malaria control, pest extermination, airports, sidewalks, gutters and curbs, levee work, landscaping, grading, farm-to-market roads, reservoirs, swimming pools and similar projects.
Applications rejected by the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works shall be submitted immediately to the Works Progress Administration.
All applications for loans shall be submitted to the Federal Emergency Administration of Public Works.
This statement shall not govern applications involving projects falling within the jurisdiction of any other Federal agency.
Federal Emergency Administrator of Public Works, Harold L. Ickes
Works Progress Administrator, Harry L. Hopkins
Executive Director, National Emergency Council, Frank C. Walker
Franklin D. Roosevelt
Franklin D. Roosevelt, Statement Fixing Jurisdictions of P.W.A. and W.P.A. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project