Statement from Hillary Clinton on Bush's Pursuit of a "Long-Term Strategic Partnership" with the Iraqi Government
"President Bush today again announced his intention to circumvent the United States Congress and unilaterally negotiate what he called a 'long-term strategic partnership' with the government of Iraq. The President has said he plans to conclude this agreement with the Maliki government 'in the coming months.'
"We cannot allow President Bush to tie the hands of his successor to his failed Iraq policy. Legislation I introduced last December would block funding for any such agreement in the absence of express congressional approval. I have been joined by a number of my distinguished colleagues as co-sponosrs, including Senators Bayh, Boxer, Casey, Feinstein, Menendez, Obama, Webb and Whitehouse.
"We must stop the President as he attempts to sidestep Congress and the will of the American people. I urge my colleagues to join me in opposing the President's attempt to cement his failed Iraq policy for years to come."
Senator Clinton introduced the Congressional Oversight of Iraq Agreements Act (S2426) on December 6. It would bar the authorization or appropriation of any funds to carry out any bilateral agreement between the United States and Iraq involving "commitments or risks affecting the nation as a whole," including a status of forces agreement, that is not approved by the Congress.
Hillary Clinton, Statement from Hillary Clinton on Bush's Pursuit of a "Long-Term Strategic Partnership" with the Iraqi Government Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291129