Photo of Asa Hutchinson

Statement by Governor Asa Hutchinson on Not Qualifying for the Second RNC Debate

September 25, 2023

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — The Asa for America campaign released the following statement today regarding Governor Asa Hutchinson not qualifying for the second RNC Presidential Primary Debate. This statement can be attributed to Governor Asa Hutchinson:

"Despite falling short of the RNC's polling requirement for inclusion in the second Presidential Primary Debate, I will continue our campaign to bring out the best of America with events scheduled in Iowa, New Hampshire, and across the country in the next several weeks. I understand that the RNC and the media are trying to reduce the number of candidates, but I measure success based on the response I receive in early primary states like Iowa and New Hampshire. My goal is to increase my polling numbers to 4% in an early state before Thanksgiving. If that goal is met, then I remain competitive and in contention for either Caucus Day or Primary Day. I entered this race because it is critically important for a leader within the Republican Party to stand up to Donald Trump and call him out on misleading his supporters and the American people. I intend to continue doing that and look forward to holding a press conference in Detroit on Wednesday where I will highlight his false promises to blue collar and union workers in Michigan and across America." — Gov. Asa Hutchinson, a Republican candidate for President

Asa Hutchinson, Statement by Governor Asa Hutchinson on Not Qualifying for the Second RNC Debate Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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