Photo of Asa Hutchinson

Statement by Governor Asa Hutchinson Reacting to Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness

June 30, 2023

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — The Asa for America campaign released the following statement today in regards to the United States Supreme Court striking down President Joe Biden's misguided student loan forgiveness program. This statement can be attributed to Governor Asa Hutchinson:

"I commend the United States Supreme Court for their decision today, which is a victory for the Constitution and the principle of separation of powers. This ruling reaffirms the importance of upholding our legal framework and preserving the checks and balances that ensure the proper functioning of our government. President Biden's student loan forgiveness program exceeded the boundaries set by our Constitution and the Court's decision highlights the necessity of respecting the limits of executive authority. It is crucial that we pursue comprehensive and sustainable solutions to address the student loan debt crisis through the appropriate legislative channels. Let us focus on finding responsible, long-term approaches that prioritize fiscal responsibility and fairness for all Americans." — Gov. Asa Hutchinson, the 46th Governor of Arkansas and a current Republican candidate for President

Asa Hutchinson, Statement by Governor Asa Hutchinson Reacting to Supreme Court Ruling Striking Down Biden's Student Loan Forgiveness Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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