Photo of Bill de Blasio

Statement by Mayor de Blasio on Support for Remove the Stain Act

August 18, 2019

"After reviewing the requests made by Navy veteran and Rosebud Sioux tribal members OJ Semans to President Trump and the leadership of our Congressional Armed Services Committees in February of this year to revoke the 20 stained Congressional Medals of Honor wrongfully awarded to the soldiers responsible for the Wounded Knee Massacre nearly 129 years ago, I am pledging that if elected President, I will revoke and rescind those medals from the historical record.

"Further, I add my voice in support of the "Remove the Stain Act," bipartisan legislation introduced on June 25, 2019, the 143rd anniversary of the Battle of the Little Big Horn, and commend Congressman Heck, Congresswoman Haaland, Congressman Cook, Congresswoman Sharice Davids, Congressman Lujan, and Congressman Kilde for their vision and sense of justice."

Bill de Blasio, Statement by Mayor de Blasio on Support for Remove the Stain Act Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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