"The men and women of our Armed Forces have served and acted honorably in their duties at Guantanamo Bay and we greatly appreciate their service in keeping our nation free, safe and secure.
I have visited Guantanamo Bay and know that the detainees are more than adequately cared for.
My concern is that the facility has become a distraction from our Global War on Terror. Other facilities, like Fort Leavenworth, can serve the same purpose without the controversy.
As for specific procedures concerning detainee adjudication, like all Americans, I await the Supreme Court's ruling in the Boumediene case, which will determine if detainees have habeas corpus rights.
As President, my overriding concern in dealing with the suspected terrorists will always be our national security interests. As I stated in June, my first priority will be the protection of the American people and ensuring that all suspected terrorists remain in our custody."
Mike Huckabee, Statement By Mike Huckabee On National Security And Guantanamo Bay Detention Facility Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/291604