The Government today has reached an agreement protecting sensitive coastal areas off Florida and Alaska from oil drilling, which has been prohibited since 1988, through Democratic and Republican Presidencies.
Concern for our coasts is part of the common ground we share as Americans, not only in the areas protected today but in places as different as California, Massachusetts, Oregon, New Jersey, and Washington. Once sensitive areas are damaged—beaches, the fishing industry, tour-I am pleased that Secretary Babbitt and Attorism—our natural heritage suffers greatly. ney General Reno reached this agreement with
This settlement is good for the environment, the oil companies. We celebrate today with the good for taxpayers, good for the economy, and citizens of Florida and Alaska, and I pledge confair to the oil companies. tinued protection of our coasts.
William J. Clinton, Statement on Oil and Gas Drilling on the Outer Continental Shelf Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project