Statement by Press Secretary Fitzwater on Organizational Changes in the Intelligence Community
The President has approved major program and organization changes in the intelligence community. This action results from a comprehensive review of the intelligence requirements and a critical assessment of intelligence capabilities needed, and not needed, to meet the new requirements.
Looking to the demands of a changing world over the next 15 years, the President approved a new formulation of policy requirements for intelligence support that adds emphasis in a number of areas and decreases it in others. As a result of these shifts, the President approved significant reallocations of resources in the FY 1993 - 1997 national foreign intelligence program. DCI [Director of Central Intelligence] Gates will present these changes to Congress in the next few days. In addition, DCI Gates will continue to assess intelligence resources with an eye toward greater efficiencies and additional reallocations.
The President also approved major changes in the structure and management of the intelligence community including:
-- abolition of the intelligence community staff, establishment of a DCI community management staff headed by an Executive Director for Intelligence Community Affairs, and measures to strengthen community management of resources and requirements;
-- improved coordination and management of intelligence collection activities and major disciplines;
-- strengthening the National Intelligence Council and the national intelligence officers;
-- initiatives to enhance support to the military, including establishment of an Assistant Deputy Director for Operations/Military Affairs in CIA and an Office of Military Affairs in CIA, and increased resources to enhance intelligence community support to military contingencies.
These measures together represent a significant reconfiguration of the intelligence community affecting structure, process, programs, and management.
George Bush, Statement by Press Secretary Fitzwater on Organizational Changes in the Intelligence Community Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project