A Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on Proposal Advanced by Mr. Nixon in Nationally Televised TV Show
Mr. Nixon does not seem to understand that the road to peace and security is not by good will missions, but by building the power and prestige of the United States so that the Communists would no longer believe the balance of power is moving in their direction. I would have thought that the humiliating withdrawal of the President's invitation by Khrushchev to visit Russia would have indicated to Mr. Nixon that the new President himself, however distinguished his predecessor, must lay the groundwork here in the United States for successful negotiations abroad.
John F. Kennedy, A Statement by Senator John F. Kennedy on Proposal Advanced by Mr. Nixon in Nationally Televised TV Show Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/274206