Jimmy Carter photo

Statement on the Death of Former U.S. Representative Allard K. Lowenstein

March 15, 1980

The senseless and violent death of Allard K. Lowenstein has cut short a life devoted to reason and justice. From the sit-ins to the campuses to the halls of Congress, Al Lowenstein was a passionate fighter for a more humane, more democratic world. In the civil rights and antiwar movements, his eloquent dedication to nonviolent change inspired many thousands of Americans. As my administration's representative to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights and the United Nations Trusteeship Council, he was an effective spokesman for democracy around the world and for justice and reconciliation in southern Africa.

I deplore the act of violence which took Mr. Lowenstein's life, and Rosalynn and I extend our deepest sympathy to his children and to the countless friends he made in a life of service to his fellow human beings.

Note: The former Congressman was fatally shot in his New York law office on March 14.

Jimmy Carter, Statement on the Death of Former U.S. Representative Allard K. Lowenstein Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/250075

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