"The death of Julius Rosenwald, which occurred in Chicago today, deprives the country of an outstanding citizen. His business ability found expression in commercial achievements of great magnitude and importance. His patriotism was reflected both in his services in the cause of national defense during the war and in his devotion to the upbuilding of the life of the community and the country in times of peace. One of his most conspicuous contributions to the public welfare was through his humanitarian activities. His warmhearted human sympathy for all mankind resulted in munificent gifts for the advancement of public health, education, housing, and the wide reach of social amelioration. He was a distinguished patron of the arts. The foundation which he created for the 'well-being of mankind' constitutes a monument to his vision, sympathy, and generosity."
Note: Mr. Rosenwald was chairman of the board of Sears, Roebuck and Company and sponsor of numerous philanthropic endeavors.
Herbert Hoover, Statement on the Death of Julius Rosenwald. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project