Bill Clinton photo

Statement on the Death of Terry Sanford

April 18, 1998

Hillary and I were saddened to learn of the death of Terry Sanford.

His long and distinguished career of public service as Governor, president of Duke University, and U.S. Senator helped build the New South and served as an inspiration to me and an entire generation of Americans. He stood for civil rights, education for all, and progressive economic development. His work and his influence literally changed the face and future of the South, making him one of the most influential Americans of the last 50 years. Most important, he was a wonderful man who fought for the right things in the right way.

I was lucky to count him as a friend. Our thoughts and prayers are with Margaret Rose, Terry Jr., Betsee, and his entire family.

William J. Clinton, Statement on the Death of Terry Sanford Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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