Richard Nixon photo

Statement on the New Jersey Gubernatorial Campaign.

October 29, 1969

WILLIAM CAHILL is a Congressman whose integrity, whose knowledge of the problems of urban America, whose abilities as a leader, and whose experience in Congress uniquely qualify him to become a great Governor of the State of New Jersey.

Among the problems confronting the people of this great industrial State are the quality of education, the modernization of transportation, and the security of the citizen against crime and violence. Eleven years of distinguished service in the Congress and on the Judiciary Committee have given Bill Cahill the background to deal successfully with all of them.

His contribution to the omnibus crime bill was a major and a vital one; it gave the State governments a stronger hand in dealing with crime. In the areas of transportation and education, his record is among the most progressive and responsible on Capitol Hill. He offers New Jersey new leadership, new ideas, and a fresh point of view--he has the kind of vision the States of this Union need to become strong and vital partners of the National Government in a new kind of federalism for America. I endorse his candidacy without reservation, and with great enthusiasm.

Note: The statement was released at Morristown, N.J.

Richard Nixon, Statement on the New Jersey Gubernatorial Campaign. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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