AS WE enter our Bicentennial year, we can be proud of the quality of life and health care available to most Americans. It is only right that we give special attention to the problems of those whose disabilities keep them from realizing self-fulfillment in education, employment, and family involvement.
Some 4 million fellow citizens are afflicted with epilepsy. Research has made it possible for many of them to lead a normal life. But for many others the answer lies in the future.
It is therefore most appropriate that we set aside a National Epilepsy Month. In focusing on the needs of persons with epilepsy, the month of November also pays fitting tribute to the thousands of volunteers who work with the Epilepsy Foundation of America. These men and women help individuals with epilepsy to find effective treatment, necessary education, and employment opportunities. They improve our Nation's understanding of the disorder and our own sensitivity towards those who are afflicted with it.
On behalf of all Americans, I salute the dedication and humanitarian concern of all who engage in this noble effort. I hope that the coming year will witness the conquering of new medical frontiers in this area.
Gerald R. Ford, Statement on the Observance of National Epilepsy Month. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project