THE PLACING in service of this additional generator, which today makes Grand Coulee Dam our biggest producer of hydroelectric power, is indeed an historic event. This is one more of the many steps necessary in harnessing the almost limitless power potential of our great Northwest.
Already the Nation is indebted to the Northwest and its great Columbia Valley resources for a large contribution in winning our most terrible war. Now, in peace, this power, and more to be added, can be used in the development of industry and agriculture in a coordinated approach to the needs of the region and of the Nation.
In a special message to the 81st Congress on April 13, I recommended the enactment of legislation creating a Columbia Valley Administration which would coordinate these Federal activities playing an important part in the development and conservation of the resources of the Northwest. It is my hope to see more of these great steps, such as the one we are witnessing today, as part of a continuously developing program, organized under a single administration concerned with the problems peculiar to the Northwest.
The various Federal agencies have already done much to develop the area of the Columbia River. Now, by uniting their activities and authority in one administration, the entire program can be geared more efficiently to the rapid growth of the area.
Note: The President had set the new generator in motion by throwing a switch in his office at the White House at 3 p.m. After the President threw the switch, he received the following message from the Power House Control Room at Grand Coulee Dam:
Thank you Mr. President. Power from the new generator you put on the line is now lighting homes, serving farms, and driving the wheels of industry throughout the Pacific Northwest.
District Manager,
Bureau of Reclamation.
Harry S Truman, Statement by the President on Activating a Generator at Grand Coulee Dam. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project