Statement by the President Concerning an Educational Consortium To Aid in Developing a Technical Institute in India
THIS IS the first time such a consortium has been used in United States aid programs in the field of education. I am delighted that these nine major centers of knowledge and learning have been willing to pool their resources, in cooperation with the Agency for International Development, to cooperate in the development of advanced education facilities in India in this important phase of her Third Five Year Plan.
The success of this cooperative enterprise will be a model for other similar efforts on the part of the United States to share our educational and technical resources with the peoples of the developing nations of the world.
I am particularly hopeful that Prime Minister Nehru will consider this project a souvenir of his visit.
Note: The statement was issued as part of a White House release announcing the formation of an educational consortium to assist in developing the Indian Institute of Technology at Kanpur, India. The following universities and institutes of technolgy were listed as participants: California Institute of Technology, Carnegie Institute of Technology, Case Institute of Technology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Ohio State University, Princeton University, Purdue University, University of California, and the University of Michigan.
John F. Kennedy, Statement by the President Concerning an Educational Consortium To Aid in Developing a Technical Institute in India Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project