Statement by the President Following Meeting With the Commission on Increased Use of Agricultural Products.
I HAVE TODAY met with the five members of the newly appointed bi-partisan Commission on Increased Industrial Use of Agricultural Products. The Commission's purpose, described in its name, is a very important one. In yet another way this Commission is going to attack the problems that have been created for our farmers by the production of agricultural surpluses.
The Commission members have told me today that their purpose is to see what can be done to put modern industrial science and technology to work to reduce our surpluses through their profitable use in new ways by industry. The Commission will recommend legislation designed to foster the discovery and development of new and improved industrial goods for the nation-goods which will be manufactured in whole or in part from surplus agricultural raw materials. As these efforts are successful, markets for farm products will be broadened and agricultural surpluses will be further reduced.
The Commission's deadline is June 15, 1957, but I am highly pleased with the Commission's report to me that it intends to make every effort to have its recommendations ready in time for legislative action at the next session of the Congress.
The Commission is holding its first meetings this week. It has my full support and heartfelt good wishes as it begins its most important work.
Note: The Commission consisted of J. Leroy Welsh, of Omaha, Nebr., Chairman; George Henry Coppers, Englewood, N.J., Dr. Karl D. Butler, Ithaca, N.Y., Dr. Charles R. Sayre, Scott, Miss., Dr. Frank J. Welch, Lexington, Ky.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, Statement by the President Following Meeting With the Commission on Increased Use of Agricultural Products. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/233076