THREE YEARS ago I approved the Atomic Energy Act of 1946, which established policies to guide this Nation's development of atomic energy.
For the past 3 years, the Atomic Energy Commission, in cooperation with the armed services, has borne the main burden of responsibility for preserving and strengthening our preeminence in the development of atomic energy for both military and peace-time purposes. In this effort, the Government has had the full cooperation of private industry and our institutions of higher learning.
Noteworthy advances have been made in every sector of the atomic energy program. Gains have been made in the production of fissionable materials and in the design and production of atomic weapons, in accordance with the paramount objective of assuring the common defense and security. Fundamental research is being pursued on a large scale, because it constitutes the basis for future application of atomic energy. The Commission is energetically carrying forward its program of applied research looking toward the use of atomic energy in ways that will materially improve human welfare. All the people will benefit from the increasing use of the products of atomic energy to further the healing arts, to bring about better food production, and to increase our understanding of the basic forces of life itself.
It is important that this program continue to go forward with undiminished momentum and effectiveness.
I believe that our national policy for the vigorous development of atomic energy is sound. It is a balanced policy which makes us stronger from a military standpoint while at the same time it promotes our peacetime goals. It is a policy which has the overwhelming support of the American people.
As I review the state of the Nation's atomic energy program I firmly believe that the people of the United States and all who rely on the strength of the Nation have reason for reassurance and faith.
Harry S Truman, Statement by the President Reviewing the Nation's Atomic Energy Program. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project