ON NEXT Tuesday, April 13, the first session of the 89th Congress will complete its first 100 days. While this period included the inauguration and other activities traditionally slowing the legislative processes, this Congress will have written by that date a record of major accomplishments without equal or dose parallel in the present era.
Already three major measures have been enacted into law: Appalachia, the gold cover, and the Inter-American Development Bank.
We may hopefully anticipate favorable action before the end of this week on two other measures of the very greatest importance to the future of our Nation--the education legislation now before the Senate and the measure to assure hospital care for the aged now before the House.
Additionally, three other major measures are presently in conference between the House and Senate: the Disarmament Act amendments, the Manpower Training Act, and the River Basin Planning Act.
The record already written by both Houses of this Congress--and by Members of both parties--is the very highest compliment to the representatives of the people. As they did in the second session of the 88th Congress, the Senators and Congressmen are responsibly and effectively demonstrating to the world that there will be neither a hopeless deadlock nor needless delay in our democratic system. On behalf of the executive branch--and the American people--I want to salute and congratulate the Congress for this outstanding example of the responsibility of our representative system.
I believe the record of the Congress reflects the will of the American majority at this moment in our national history: that we get on with the job of meeting the needs of our 20th century agenda without allowing politics or partisanship to stand in our way o
At home--and in the world--we are challenged by both peril and promise. Whatever may be the tests ahead, we will be stronger and more secure if we act as a people united to fulfill the promise of our society in the manner this Congress is doing now so commendably.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President on the Accomplishments of the 89th Congress. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/241922