MY ANNUAL Manpower Report demonstrates this nation's ability to build and sustain prosperity. February marked the 60th consecutive month of economic growth--the longest in our peacetime history. Unemployment fell to 3.7 percent--the lowest in more than 12 years. In the past year we have created new jobs for 2.4 million workers.
But there is still much to do. We must be bold and imaginative, and far-sighted. Too many Negroes, and too many teenagers, are still unemployed. Too many skilled jobs go begging while unskilled workers can't find a job.
When I became President we were spending $4.7 billion on education. My budget this year calls for $10.2 billion for education-more than double.
Few trained people are unemployed. Few educated people are without work. Our job is to provide more education for more people--more training for the unskilled. This will mean more jobs, less welfare.
This report calls this nation to action.
Note: The President recorded the statement for radio and television broadcast. It was not made public in the form of a White House release. As printed above it follows the text made available by the White House Press Office. For the President's message to Congress, see Item III.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President on the Manpower Message. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project