Statement by the President Upon Making Public the Report of the Air Policy Commission.
I AM making public today the report of the President's Air Policy Commission.
This report represents the conclusions of five distinguished citizens after 5 months of hearings and deliberation covering the broad field of aviation as it affects the defense and economy of the Nation. The report includes both an appraisal of the present status of our air establishment, military and civil, and a comprehensive body of recommendations for future action.
The rapid development of aviation in recent years requires us to give careful consideration to our national aviation policies to insure the greatest possible benefits for the United States and the world. The Government's 1949 program outlined in the budget includes $5.2 billion for national defense aviation activities. This represents almost one-half of the new spending authority requested for national defense.
Budget requests for civilian aviation provide for increased research, improved airport facilities, and continued modernization of the Federal airways system. Funds to provide for the installation of new air traffic control and navigation and landing aids, which will provide greater safety and regularity of service, are again included in the budget. I am sure that the Commission's report will be helpful to the Government in further developing a long-range aviation policy.
The members of the Commission have given freely of their time and energy to. the study of important issues concerning the future of United States aviation. Their judgments should be studied with care by the Congress and the people of the United States. All of us are indebted to the Commission members for their valuable report.
Note: The Commission's report, dated January 1, 1948, is entitled "Survival in the Air Age" (Government Printing Office, 166 pp.). The letter of transmittal is signed by the following members: Thomas K. Finletter, Chairman, George P. Baker, Vice Chairman, Palmer Hoyt, John A. McCone, and Arthur D. Whiteside. The Commission was established July 18, 1947 (see 1947 volume, this series, Item 148).
Harry S Truman, Statement by the President Upon Making Public the Report of the Air Policy Commission. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/229252