Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of the President's Committee on Urban Housing.
I HAVE RECEIVED today the report of the President's Committee on Urban Housing from its Chairman, Edgar Kaiser.
On June 2, 1967, I appointed the Kaiser Committee and asked it the following question: How can the resources and talents of private industry be better directed to the production and rehabilitation of housing, particularly for low- and moderate-income families?
While the Committee's report is being released today, this Nation has already benefited from the deliberations and advice of its distinguished members. The concept of the National Housing Partnership--enacted in that great act--was thought out and recommended by this Committee.
I hope the report of the Kaiser Committee will be helpful to the Congress, and to local officials and citizens throughout the Nation.
I believe that this report--and the studies of the Douglas Commission released last month--present issues that the Nation will face and actions which it will want to consider if we are to fulfill the commitment of the Housing Act of 1949, reaffirmed in the Housing Act of 1968--"the realization as soon as possible of the goal of a decent home and a suitable living environment for every American family."
Note: The report is entitled "A Decent Home: Report of the President's Committee on Urban Housing" (Government Printing Office, 252 pp.). For the President's statement upon appointing the Committee, see 1967 volume, this series, Book I, Item 252.
In the statement above, the President referred to the Commission on Urban Problems, chaired by Paul H. Douglas, former Senator from Illinois.
For remarks of the President upon signing the Housing and Urban Development Act of 1968, title IX which established the National Housing Partnership concept, see Item 426.
Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President Upon Receiving Report of the President's Committee on Urban Housing. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project