Lyndon B. Johnson photo

Statement by the President on Walter Jenkins.

October 15, 1964

WALTER JENKINS has worked with me faithfully for 25 years. No man I know has given more personal dedication, devotion, and tireless labor.

Until late yesterday, no information or report of any kind to me had ever raised a question with respect to his personal conduct. Mr. Jenkins is now in the care of his physician and his many friends will join in praying for his early recovery. For myself and Mrs. Johnson, I want to say that our hearts go out with the deepest compassion for him and for his wife and six children-and they have our love and prayers.

On this case as on any such case, the public interest comes before all personal feelings. I have requested and received Mr. Jenkins' resignation.

Within moments after being notified last night, I ordered Director J. Edgar Hoover of the FBI to make an immediate and comprehensive inquiry and report promptly to me and the American people.

Note: On October 22 Mr. Hoover reported that an investigation of the case had revealed no evidence that Mr. Jenkins had compromised the security or interests of the United States in any manner.

Lyndon B. Johnson, Statement by the President on Walter Jenkins. Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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