Joe Biden

Statement on the Ratification of the United Auto Workers Contract Agreements With the Big Three Automobile Companies

November 20, 2023

The UAW has announced that their dedicated union members who fought together, stood together, and walked the picket line together have now voted together to ratify their record contracts. These historic contracts reward the autoworkers who have sacrificed so much with record raises, more paid leave, greater retirement security, and more rights and respect at work. I want to applaud the UAW and each of our Big Three auto companies for their good faith negotiations to reach this record contract.

These contracts show that when unions do well, it lifts all workers. Following the UAW's historic agreements, we've seen Toyota, Honda, Hyundai, and Subaru announce significant wage increases as well. The UAW is fighting hard to ensure that all auto jobs are good, middle class jobs, and I stand with them in that fight.

Joseph R. Biden, Statement on the Ratification of the United Auto Workers Contract Agreements With the Big Three Automobile Companies Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project

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